Impede - определение. Что такое Impede
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Что (кто) такое Impede - определение

·vt To Hinder; to stop in progress; to Obstruct; as, to impede the advance of troops.
(impedes, impeding, impeded)
If you impede someone or something, you make their movement, development, or progress difficult. (FORMAL)
Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.
= hinder, hamper
¦ verb delay or block the progress or action of.
C16 (earlier (ME) as impediment): from L. impedire 'shackle the feet of', based on pes, ped- 'foot'.
Примеры произношения для Impede
1. So that can impede--
Elastic - Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change _ Leonard Mlodinow _ Talks at Google
2. to impede my journey.
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
3. to impede maximum reach.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall _ Axel Martens _ Talks at Google
4. impede us from moving forward.
5. burdensome regulations that impede entrepreneurship,
Примеры употребления для Impede
1. The smallest things can impede smooth operation and effective running.
2. Prolonged uncertainty could impede policies such as privatisation.
3. Rather, real human beings take actions to either impede or promote democratic practices.
4. "Certainly gabions alone cannot impede floodwater everywhere and at all times.
5. "The commission found that the proposed transaction would not significantly impede ef...